Thursday, July 28, 2016


I really wanted to start off this entry with a story about my third Ayahuasca ceremony.  But I feel like every post for the past year has mentioned Mama Aya, and at this point, I'm sure you're all sick of it.  So for your sake, for my sake, and for the blog's sake, I will spare you another cryptic story of my psychedelic brain soup.  But just know that everything I'm experiencing in my daily life right now, it's parallel to that Easter ceremony.  Just know, everything is connected.  I'm learning the same lessons over and over, taking more in each time.  It's like emotional Algebra.  Ceremony was 101.  This summer is 102.  And so on.

I have this thing, I'm...busy.  I always have to be doing something.  It's this constant need to be working at something.  If I had one true calling, one passion, one art form or skill that I could really focus my energy on, this would be great.  But I don't.  I throw myself into one thing after another, in this obsessive cycle of whatever is next.  If you know me (which, if you're reading this, you probably do) you're probably just rolling your eyes because this is no new revelation.  It's textbook me.  If it's not one thing it's another.  If it's not stand up comedy, it's a plant-based diet.  If it's not donating a kidney, it's Peruvian plant medicines.  It's rearranging the lives of the people around me so I can spend a summer in Hollywood. 

I don't hate that this is the way I am.  I used to.  I used to beat myself up a lot for not buckling down and focusing instead of flying from task to task like a hummingbird on Adderall.  But that's not the way I am programmed.  Every time I try to stick it out, I become miserable.  I don't have a competitive spirit.  I have a lot of different interests.  And these things are okay.  There's a really good TED Talks that covers this, a lot more eloquently than I can. 

On the other hand, I do realize that even though it's not in my nature to throw myself into one project or cause for more than a few years, I also need to give myself time to have fun, to be still, and to process these lessons as I learn them.  It's hard for me to stay present when I am constantly asking myself, what's next?  Over the summer, I've found myself focusing about wanting to move to Hollywood for good.  I focus on finding a roommate and a work schedule so my daughter can be here with me. I focus on what I'm going to do in Arizona if I don't move here once my lease is up.  And then there is all this work I am doing on myself.  I've been dabbling on the idea of giving myself a year to live.  Not literally of course, but spending one full year living as if it were my last.  I was introduced to the practice a couple of years ago, and I've been reading up on it.  It is something that I definitely want to do in the future, but it's something that I really want to put my all into, and maybe this summer isn't the time for me to do that...

It's balance, and for me, it's really slippery.  My curiosity is one of the things I love the most about myself, and without having something to throw myself into, I become sad and complacent.  There is so much to do, and I've got so far to go.  But if I keep so busy that I don't take time to smell the roses and appreciate what I have and how far I've come,  I build up all of this emotional residue that builds up and creates problems later. 


What's a girl to do?

At the moment, I'm not making ANY plans to move or to not move.  I'm honoring the thoughts around them, but I'm not going to set anything into motion yet.  And I am going to try to live mindfully, for sure, but maybe I'll give myself a proverbial year to live sometime after this summer.  I have one month left in Hollywood.  I have three days left until my birthday.  And while I know that I have a lot of decisions to make and a lot of work to do...maybe I spend my days taking care of myself and doing things I enjoy, because I'm starting to believe that is why I came here. 

With all of this, I will say that I have done a LOT of amazing stuff these past two months, even with all of this internal conflict...

I've seen movies in the park
I've eaten a LOT
I've started doing yoga (almost) daily
I've learned to live with way less shit
I made some friends
I saw fireworks on the beach
I've been on hikes
I ate some ice cream
I went to the Science Center and saw the Endeavor
I joined a cult started by a former teen heart throb
I worked
I rode some roller coasters
Griffith Observatory
More ice cream
Flea Markets
UCB shows

It's been amazing.  It will continue to be amazing.  And right now, that is enough.  And I truly do feel that it is, despite what the Adderall-ridden hummingbird leads me to believe.  Right now it's balance, the same lesson learned over and over again. 
It's remembering to have fun because while doing the work is good, I have to take it easy, too.  I can't love someone that I don't have fun with, and that includes myself.

I'm going to set my intention right now for gratitude and not taking things too damned seriously. I hope you're having a fantastic day, and I hope you find silliness and joy where you can. Namaste, homies.


Friday, July 15, 2016

Tiny worlds on tiny backs

The world is a heavy place right now.  My heart hurts for humanity.  The tension is thick, and while I'm an optimist, I will admit that the present is an uncomfortable place to be sometimes. 

I had a mushroom journey before I left for Hollywood, and less than an hour into it, I was shoved headfirst into the icy waters of ego death.  I was raped by the land itself, I peed myself and once I noticed that my crotch was wet, I was convinced that it was because I had just given birth to the Earth's rape baby.  And I loved and was proud of my baby.   It was green and abundant and self-sufficient.  Then it grew to become fake and sugary sweet with loops of cartoon politician faces, and I mourned for my baby and had to love it through its darkness. 

So, yeah, that's kinda where I'm at.


But here in my little Sophie bubble, life in Los Angeles goes on at life speed, which seems to be faster than usual.  This summer is halfway over and what the fuck?

I love it here.  Living is very different than back in Arizona, and not just because I am living on a couch.  I don't have a car out here, so I walk and take the metro during the day.  I uber at night.  So I had to buy a backpack.  I didn't want to at first; I had this cute vintage one-shoulder travelling bag that I was going to use.  But it was stiff and it hurt my back, so I gave in and now I dance around the city with the fashion sense of a 12-year-old.  Slay.

Here she is, in all her glory, along with all of the important things that I've learned to carry with me.

Here's a list of what I'm slugging around the town with me:

* Work apron
* Reusable grocery bag- the most important thing to remember.  It holds food, laundry, dirty shoes, craft supplies, and anything that is too big to fit into the backpack.  It is the thing I forget to pack the most often and it drives me crazy.
* Book
* Journal - holds my deepest secrets, ukulele tabs, ticket stubs, receipts, and D&D character sheets
* Headphones
* Glue stick - to paste shit into my journal
* Sunglasses
*Giant safety pin
* Makeup remover wipes
* Hormone pills - taken daily since I had a hysterectomy a few years ago
* Atmos vape pen - I am out of refills for it and it bums me out.
* One-hitter box with weed- since the vape is out.  My rule of thumb is to have it with me but to never carry more than I am willing to eat if I need to do so.
* Phone charger for wall and car
* Matches - I always carry means to make fire because Silent Hill.
* TAP card
* Combination Lock
* Big-ass knife
* Wallet- has my ID, debit card, loose change and a little bit o' cash. 
* Pens and markers
* Keys
* Sunblock
* Eye Drops
* Front Bottoms lighter
* Chapstick
* Tiny rainbow rock - I don't ever really look up my crystals and rocks.  I just like having them with me, and I kind of trade them out periodically.  I just kinda feel out which ones want to go with me that day.
* "Brief Case" full of cheap makeup - when I don't know for sure where I'll be or what kind of plans may come up, I have become a makeup Macgyver.  Tinted chapstick as lip, a blush and an eyeshadow?  I'll fucking do it.

Not pictured: Chewing gum (because I'm out) and my reusable water bottle (because I left it at Sam's house)