The craziest thing happened today....
Earlier, Amy posted a photo of the two of us on her facebook page for Social Media Stole My Kidney (her non-profit). This girl who had been going through donor testing saw the photo and commented that she was going to donate... on December first... in Rochester... as part of a six-person chain. She is IN MY CHAIN. It's fucking incredible. She and I started talking online, and she is pretty sure that my kidney is going to the friend that she was originally trying to donate to!
We've continued talking about the experiences we've had in testing. She decided not to tell my recipient much about me, or vice versa, unless we both agree to it. That relieves me. I'm still not sure that I ever want to meet or talk to the person who receives my kidney. I just... I really like the idea of it being anonymous.
But still, what are the odds of meeting this girl in my chain? I suppose if I were online searching for them, I could probably track down a couple of people in it, but I wasn't! And neither was she! Oh man, the magic of the internet.
One week. That's it.
I got the phone call today while Cami and I were Christmas shopping at Wal Mart. I'm NEVER at Wal Mart. It gives me anxiety, and I usually just put all my stuff down and leave before I can even pay. But we were there.
Mira called while I was shopping and told me that while we are waiting on the lab blood draw that was taken this morning, she has locked down December first. I will admit into the Mayo Clinic Emergency Room at 2 am (sweet mother of god), and from there I will prep for surgery. I will be under the knife by 5 am. Surgery should be done by 8, then my kidney will fly to Minnesota. Without me. I wonder how many states I can say I have been to after all this...
Holy shit, it's real.
After we hung up, I asked Cami if she had any questions, and she did. She wanted to make sure that I won't wake up and if I do that I won't feel anything. These are real fears, and I hope she understands when I tell her that I'm not scared and that good people are taking very good care of me.
A woman overheard our conversation and stopped me. She told me that her sister just received part of a lung from an organ donor, and she asked to give me a hug. She cried and apologized for crying, saying that she would give anything to hug the family of the lung donor and thank them for keeping her sister alive. I cried, too, then apologized. I never know what to say. I know it's a big thing that I'm doing, but for me it's such a simple thing. I make the decision. I go through testing. I go to sleep and wake up. But I'm glad that woman was there today, and I'm even glad that I was there.
I took my daughter and my kidney on roller coasters today as a last hurrah before the surgery. Cami had never been on one before, and she jumped right into the seat- no fear. I am impressed by her and also scared as hell. Three days until surgery.
Checked into Mayo right now and hooked up tp my IV! Mary and Jessica, my nurses are so nice, and the entire hospital is empty. It's really nice and private and relaxed. My gown has a heater hose, but it's still cold in here. In less than an hour, I will meet my anesthesiologist and my surgeon. After talking more to Sarah, the other girl in my chain, I am not even nervous.
This is going to be incredible.
Over and out, Captain.